World Menopause Day 2021: Sharing experiences of navigating the perimenopause and menopause
As part of our campaign around World Menopause Day, an important initiative from the International Menopause Society to raise awareness of the menopause and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing. Here at Touch Medical Media we pride ourselves on a supportive working culture and have been looking at ways to support members of the team experiencing symptoms of the menopause.
In this short panel discussion Jane Wrenn from Touch Medical Media, and Tammy Gibbs and Jane O’Dell from touchIME share their own journeys through the perimenopause and menopause, discussing the symptoms they have experienced, how these have affected their daily lives and the successful and not-so-successful treatment options they have tried.
Disclosure statement: Tammy Gibbs and Jane O’Dell are employees of touchIME and Jane Wrenn is an employee of Touch Medical Media.
Support statement: The production of this video was supported by Touch Medical Media.
Other content available in support of World Menopause Day includes:
⟶ A collection of interviews around personal experiences with the menopause